
To Care or Not to Care, THAT is the Question...An Invitation through My Lyrics with a Challenge from Lady G

I wrote this song a few years ago when teaching social justice. Reflecting on the icons of the present and the past, the melody and words return.


Life is tough wherever we go
Taking its toll on our innocence.
We're so desperately searching for heroes
To show us a way that makes some kind of sense.

To care or not to care?
The answer lives so deep in your heart.
The question is everywhere...
The answer lives so deep in your heart.

Candles melt from the inside out
Showing us where the real work begins.
Every heart learns what love's truly about
When we reach past the fear we may feel deep within.

To care or not to care?
The answer lives so deep in your heart.
The question is everywhere...
The answer lives so deep in your heart.

See a mirror when you look up at the sky,
One tender mirror, if you ask the question, "Why?"

Everywhere there are people in pain--
Look into their eyes, see the heart of all hearts.
Can you reach out in love, hope, and faith
Be the hero who simply steps up and does your part.

To care or not to care
The answer lives so deep in your heart.
The question is everywhere...
The answer lives so deep in your heart.

Copyright 2002, D.M. Solis

Lady Gaga is good at marketing AND I think she's sincere. Children...people need something to believe in and we all  need to know that our story, our fringe, disenfranchised, heretofore un-included story is being told and being heard. Lady Gaga gets this across. If she's strategically leveraging, with her needs and ours as fulcrums, to market her brand, I guess everybody wins. Her message will live or die by whatever bears out over time. It always does.

I like that the media gives her a pass sometimes, because her antics or her costumes are just so irresistible. I like that the critics condemn her for fudging on Madonna's song, then Madonna comes out and gives her the "way to go, Girl." I look for substance in her "shock-jock" (disk-jockey, no pun intended) style. It's there--she's a solid writer and a good musician. She's creative, knowledgeable, and still learning. Her heart seems to be in the right place. She took a stand on bullying before everyone else jumped on that train. Her message is mostly positive. I appreciate those things about her and her work. 

Children...people still need something to believe in. They...we could do better. But we could also do worse. I don't think she wants us to believe in her or to need her (underlined three times). I do think she challenges us to listen, not just to her, to each other, without judging. She can be critical. She calls for non-judgment with discernment. I have to give her props as an artist and as a person for that--and for getting past her fears, for having the guts to put herself out there on a number of levels in spite of her fears. I think she challenges us there too.

In the past she was like John, eating locusts in the desert. Her monsters (Lady G's pet name for her die-hard devoted fans) were mostly fringies. Now mainstreamers in increasing numbers are listening too. There are gifts and dangers in that. I sometimes think she keeps it shocking not just to get attention (she's got plenty), and not just to take the attention away from her admitted self-consciousness, but so she can stay on the fringes, where her people are. I do worry, when I watch her in concert, that she may have to keep "up-ing" the shock factor...because people get numbed out after a while. I do.

I hope her message never gets lost in the entertainment. I don't think it will, because her monsters feel she really cares about them. I'm not a monster--well, not one of her devoted legions yet. I am listening though. And I do appreciate what she's trying to do. I could be wrong, but she seems sincere. Time will tell. Here's hoping she's fearless enough to be committed to her craft, her message, and to her monsters for the long haul. 

For your journal/discussion:

1. Do people need something to believe in? How so? Why or why not?
2. To care or not to care? How do you  respond to that question? Be general. Then be specific--tell about a situation in your life where caring or not makes all the difference.
3. Bullying. Courage. Fear. Hero. Chose one and tell about it for five minutes.