
Into Every Life Some Rain Must Fall...Then What?

For your journal, discussion or retreating this week:  

Tell about a significant challenge in your work or personal life. Tell about what you learned or are still learning and the changes set in motion because you haven't always gotten what you thought you wanted. (More for your journal/discussion along with a creativity exercise at the end of this post.)

I like to take familiar songs, even songs I've written, and use them for deeper reflection.  The movie, "Sister Act" offered some fine, playful examples--Serious Play is a theme of this blog, after all.  Teaching courses in art and spirituality, as well as leadership and team development, I've discovered how powerful music can be, as an instrument for helping to connect with the beauty, sacredness, and creativity all around and within us (to enhance reflection and creative problem solving).  Here's one of my songs that can be a love song or...and...a song of contemplation.  It's also an example of a journal entry that turned into something more.


Words and Music by D.M. Solis
with French translations by
Patricia Francoise Pelletier

Dan's chaque vie la plui
doit tomber...

Into every life
some rain must fall.
There are days
my back's against the wall.
Through the darkest times
you stand by me,
faithful as the waves
that kiss the sea...

I can hear it in your (a) voice
I can feel it in a touch
in the softness of a kiss I know
you love me so much.
It's all you do and say
and all you help me feel.
In the softness of a kiss I know
your love for me is real.

C'est vrai...mercie, mon Dieu
je sais ce qui est vrai...C'est vrai.
It's real...
I thank God I know
what's for real...
Your love for me is real.

We can hide from hurt
we've felt before.
Or Love can help a heart
choose so much more.
If it weren't for you
I'd never know
the faithfulness a true love
comes to show...


More for your journal...

1. As you reflect on a difficult time in your life or on problems you've been solving at work (from the introductory prompt above), discovering "teachable moments" and "lessons learned," you may unearth the seeds of a poem, song, or story that will be helpful to others. Don't forget to write them down.

2. Name something or someone in your life or observation that has been "faithful as the waves that kiss the sea." Tell about that.

3. Tell about a time when you felt like your back was against a wall. What were the circumstances? What happened? How did (or will) you get beyond that situation? What did you learn? What are you still learning?

4. "We can hide from hurt we've felt before, or love can make a heart choose so much more...." Tell about this choice in the past in your life. What are you choosing these days? Why?

Finally, an Exercise of Gifting:

Jot down a few notes about expressions of love or images of beauty you perceive throughout a week or month.  Make a collage, poem, digital photo-story, even a song about them.  Share this with an elder or a child.

With great love from
 These images were collected from my recent artist's retreat at Lake Arrowhead Resort and Spa and an artist's field trip to Lake Gregory.  This one was taken of me. The child in the photo reminds me of my brothers when we were that age and of fishing outings with my father. I love this picture.